04 June 2004

Reading Material

A minimum of $25 is needed for free shipping. My current total is $24.98. Any suggestions for a good book?


slackwench said...

Quicksilver, by Neal Stephenson

jeanslee said...

quantum computing and quantum computation, by nielson and chuang.

best book EVER!

slackwench said...

That book is somewhat technical (in a way I'm sure she'd be up to) and expensive. A better book might be A Shortcut Through Time, which is written for laymen and $45 less than that one ($54 less for the softcover).

reblaw7 said...

American Gods, Neil Gaiman, or maybe even Neverwhere

mattraibert said...

Assuming this is Amazon, don't they let you donate like 10 cents to charity or something?

osmodion said...

Its bn.com. I've tried to avoid buying books from amazon after Sipser (computability textbook) arrived looking like it lost a knife fight.

jeanslee said...

hi! mat. ray. bert.

tehpreacher said...

american gods is a fantastic book. neil gaiman is a great author. good choice becky. my recommendation however, is "slaughterhouse five" by kurt vonnegut, or "the left hand of darkness" by urula k. leguin.

happy reading