07 May 2004


Tonight is the MAY MOVIE! Van Helsing! Starring Wolverine as an equally cool nonWolverine! And at midnight no less! Yay!

I'm seriously contemplating taking my keyboard apart. Various little pieces of dirt have fallen in over the past two years, and they are refusing to abandon their current home.

I think it's time to unpack my window fan so it's not quite as hot in here. Why did I have to put it behind the bookshelves? Sigh. Maybe Wolverine will get it out for me....


kimpire said...

The May Movie is on shabbos. I am of the sad.

Incidentally, you *should* take the keyboard apart, then put all the keys back in different places so as to confuse sight-typers.

osmodion said...

And then switch the keyboard map to dvorak.

kimpire said...

This is a good comment.