01 July 2009

Eviltoby and the Zombie Horde

After talking with some of my neighbors, I made some grave discoveries. Firstly, the psychotic entity that attacked my mutts answers to the name Toby. I promptly informed my parents that they no longer can call their mutt Toby in good consciousness. Now he'll have to be named Bagel.

The name of the demonic creature is upsetting, but that's nothing compared to its history. Eviltoby has attacked other dogs on at least three separate occasions. Apparently he finds humans to be an equally tasty treat - he bit a neighbor's ankle while she was on a ladder. His human, who I can only assume has jello where a brain should be, just patted the "dog" on the head and didn't do a damn thing!

Speaking of not doing a damn thing, the wife was less than amicable when shown the vet bill. She was particularly disbelieving with regard to Zero's x-rays. Then she claimed to be a doctor and said that neither dog actually needed to be taken to the vet. Oh, and did I mention that she is actually a dentist? She doesn't seem to be aware of the difference between human mouths and dog abdomens. Anyway, it looks like we'll have to settle for them paying $200, which is better than nothing.

Since The Incident, I've seen Eviltoby only once, but it was certainly memorable. And Matt was there too, which certainly helped. Tawny spotted the spawn of Satan and immediately began barking a very serious STAY THE F#$% AWAY FROM ME bark. Zero, who always wants to play with anything human or canine, tried to run away at full speed. I have NEVER seen him run away from anyone like that, even other dogs that were less than friendly. Seeing as how his leash prevented him from getting as far away as he liked, he settled for hiding behind Tawny. Thankfully, Eviltoby's flexileash wasn't fully extended, so he was stuck about 15 feet away, while Mr. Eviltoby's Owner just stood there like a zombie.

Aside from that second encounter, Zero and Tawny are doing fine. Tawny's tail is healing nicely and Zero's belly is looking better each day. And for those wondering, my toe is also looking better. Soon I can learn to walk again!


dreamerj25 said...

Well I'm certainly glad the 3 of you are healing nicely. Maybe create a buddy-system in the neighborhood so that no dog-walker goes alone against the evilToby-mutt and dumb@$$ owners?

How much more was the vet bill than the $200? :(

farniks said...

Please specify weight in kilograms and I will prepare you some pentobarbitol.

osmodion said...

It was $410 total, but that included two vaccines for Zero that he was due for in July. I figured as long as we were there, might as well get them done and save a future trip.

osmodion said...


farniks said...

no it's for the evil dog

bigscary said...

Doesn't CA have a vicious dog law?
Oh, it does: http://www.animallaw.info/statutes/stuscafoodagcode31601.htm

osmodion said...

54.5kg - it probably weights around 60lbs, but there's so much fur that I could be off by a lot, so I just doubled the weight to make sure

osmodion said...

The vaccines were $50.